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Horhew's Brushes is the ultimate web destination for your Photoshop tree brush needs. Created entirely with the latest in 3D and 2D software, without the use of manipulated photos, the tree brushes and nature brushes you'll find here are of the highest quality. Very high brush resolutions (2000+ pixels average) ensure all the fine details are visible.
All brushes are compatible with Photoshop 7 and higher, unless other specified in the brush header.
14 volumes / 512 brushes / 109 plant species / ONLY $22.49
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8 volumes / 278 brushes / ONLY $13.49 5 volumes / 175 brushes / ONLY $9.19
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Individual Brush Packs
FREE Promo Brush Pack VOL. I-Palmtrees VOL. II-Conifers
VOL. III-Blossoming VOL. IV-European 1 VOL. V-Dead Trees
VOL. VI-Dead Conifers VOL. VII-Japan 1 VOL. VIII-Japan 2
VOL. IX-European 2 VOL. X-European 3 VOL. XI-European 4
VOL. XII-European 5 VOL. XIII-Dead Trees 2 VOL. XIV-Ground Plants
Terms Of Use
Tree brushes Photoshop tree photoshop brush photoshop brush palmtree brush tree brush photoshop tree trees